PLEASE NOTE! Links will expire within a month of access (June 2022)! Please download your audio using the instructions below. Please contact us if you are experiencing technical issues. Duau!
PLEASE NOTE! Links will expire within a month of access (June 2022)! Please download your audio using the instructions below. Please contact us if you are experiencing technical issues. Duau! 〰️
Rosalie Springer HEAD READING
Hotepu, and Welcome to your Access Page
This is a Portal for Rosalie Springer to enjoy her head reading. However sometimes the files may take a moment to stream through your browser. We recommend to that you check to ensure, that you have the latest version of your preferred browser installed. We personally recommend FireFox you can download the latest version by following this Hyper Link:
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You are also welcome to download the file onto your computer if your ZippyShare Link has expired. Just click on appropriate audio and follow your browser's download instructions. Dwau and Happy listening!!