Royal Leadership training - Hours of Ra - Sesh Am Duat
Hotepu, and Welcome to your Membership Page
Welcome to the Sesh am Dust Leadership training Starting from each year's perihelion date (usually January 4th every year), we decode together one chapter of his papyrus every 10 days (i.e., an Ancient Egyptian week). The true spiritual explanation of this scroll has been lost to humanity since the days of the Pharaohs. But we are in such serious times where the Children of the Light must radiate this work's luminosity into the world to push back the growing darkness. So the Gods have allowed the secret seals to the papyrus' code to be released. The study of this scroll will guide you to opening all of your chakras, meridians, astrology charts, and the Tree of Life. It will guide in divine cosmology--the structure of life, the Universe, spirituality, the Afterlife, and reincarnation. You will receive words of power, meditations, ceremonies, and dreaming skills from within this most holy book of enlightenment. Enjoy and dare to shine!
Enrollment is $85/mo.
Please use the links below to subscribe and start your journey into these powerful initiations.
Classes will be sent to the email address provided in your purchase, so please ensure accuracy.
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